Woundclot and knife crime injuries

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WoundClot Trauma Gauze: The Essential Aid for Knife Injuries

The versatility of WoundClot Trauma Gauze sets it apart from other haemostatic agents, making it an ideal inclusion in public access and personal bleed kits. Unlike other products, WoundClot can be used not only to pack wounds but also as a surface application.

WoundClot and Knife Injuries

In instances of knife crime injuries, the application of WoundClot is highly advantageous. It's crucial to note that, in such scenarios, one should never remove an embedded knife from the body, as it could potentially cause more damage. Instead, we focus on preventing further blood loss and stabilising the wound.

Applying WoundClot to a Stab Wound

As an example, if dealing with a knife wound, you can tear a piece of WoundClot and apply it on either side of the knife. For this demonstration, we're using a mannequin, but in real situations, you'd first remove any clothing covering the wound. Once the WoundClot is applied to the wound, it quickly reacts with the blood, forming a gel-like plug over the cut. This helps control bleeding and prevents further blood loss.

Following WoundClot application, two conventional dressings can be rolled and placed on either side of the wound, bandaged in place for stability. It's vital to keep the patient as still as possible to avoid further injury.

The applied WoundClot and the dressings can be held in place with gloved hands, maintaining pressure on the wound and keeping the knife in position. This method is not only effective in stopping bleeding but also aids in stabilising the wound.

Treating Slash Wounds with WoundClot

Often, knife crime injuries involve stab or slash wounds, where the weapon isn't left in the body. For these types of injuries, WoundClot's versatility comes to the fore.

The common sizes of WoundClot included in bleed kits are 10x10 cm and 8x20 cm. These can be easily opened and unfolded for use. For large slash wounds, for example, on the arm, you can cover the entire wound with a torn piece of WoundClot. It can be cut to fit the exact shape of the wound, making it a highly adaptable product for various injury types.

If you only have the 10x10 cm size, you can patch multiple pieces together to cover the wound. Alternatively, the Z-fold version (8x100 cm) can be used to cover multiple wounds.

The Advantage of WoundClot

One significant benefit of WoundClot is that it doesn't require direct pressure to work. This makes it a particularly effective addition to bleed kits, especially for untrained individuals or those who might be apprehensive about applying necessary pressure. WoundClot reacts with the blood to form a clot, even without direct pressure, making it one of the most effective products available for treating knife injuries.